

The Gallery Girls Present

Long Pose Workshop (A Day of Painting or Drawing )


Jennifer Fabos Patton as Carmen Miranda 

Marissa Gomez as Frida Kahlo 


All Day Artist Workshop with Food, Music Inspiration.

Come join us for our first long pose workshop at the Ave 50 Studios with The Gallery Girls.

The Avenue 50 Studio specializes in Latin art so we are embracing that with "Latin Women" as our theme.

With Marissa as Frida Kahlo and Jennifer as Carmen Miranda

We'll be serving Latin Food and Fun Latin Music

Breakfast - Lunch - Music

2 Set ups - Single Pose in Each

DATE:  Saturday, February 20, 2010

TIME:  10AM to 5PM

(1-2pm is Lunch)

COST:  $65 for Artists

Reference Photos are $10 per model per set up

Avenue 50 Studio

131 North Avenue 50

Highland Park  CA, 90042

USA (323) 258-1435

Please RSVP so we know how much food to get, Walk ins are OK.

Jennifer (818) 535-5761 <mailto:>